How Mark Zuckerberg Facebook CEO uses New Year's resolutions to improve himself

Every year since 2009, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has challenged himself to broaden his perspective "and learn something about the world beyond my work at Facebook," he once explained.
His tool of choice? A New Year's resolution.
Zuckerberg on Thursday announced his 2018 resolution — and this time, it's focused on his job.
This year, he wants to fix Facebook's hardest problem: He wants to end the abuse of the platform, whether through election-interference efforts, fake news, or other nefarious practices.
His resolution last year, to meet someone from every US state, was made after the 2016 presidential campaign, during which many people accused Facebook of having a role in the nation's divided political discourse.
That resolution took Zuckerberg on a tour of the country that included visiting the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina, where a white supremacist killed nine black worshippers in 2015. He met people recovering from opioid addiction in Dayton, Ohio, and hung out with a dairy farmer in Blanchardville, Wisconsin.
His first resolution, in 2009, was also focused on his job: wear a tie every day.
"That first year the economy was in a deep recession and Facebook was not yet profitable," Zuckerberg wrote in a Facebook post on Thursday. "We needed to get serious about making sure Facebook had a sustainable business model. It was a serious year, and I wore a tie every day as a reminder."
But many of his resolutions have focused more on personal growth — the kind that any of us might make.

How Mark Zuckerberg Facebook CEO uses New Year's resolutions to improve himself How Mark Zuckerberg Facebook CEO uses New Year's resolutions to improve himself Reviewed by Unknown on January 05, 2018 Rating: 5
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